The Oratorio

Alchemist Art and Act of Creating Synergy of The Fundamental Axiom. Beatific Tapestry of Consciousness Evolution.


Come with me to my inner recesses, and let’s get naked!
I guarantee you that our experience would be out-of-this-world “wicked!!!”
And we can do it whole day, everyday, don’t have to wait for the weekend
You’ll be able to watch me peel off my layers, as I hope it will stimulate you to peel off yours too
We’ll do the things that lovers do as they transition to become One, from hitherto being Two
Being around each other this long, I hope you’ll agree with me, that its been long overdue
I’m excited with the prospect of your being privy to my wrinkles and my scars
No effect, special angle, no make up, and no special fillers, nor filters
I can’t wait to see your jaw dropped in amazement, shock, excitement, or even tears
As you see all the flabs that I was masquerading as abs, not to raise the red flags
I’m quite positive that the experience will be our turn-on when you do the same
Seeing you in your nakedness, under a glaring light, without awkwardness or shame
Your stretch marks, muffin top, not protected by your extra large lose top
Your anorexic fragile structure, your lack of curves, and dearth of flesh in vital areas
So, yes, let’s get naked, but in this case, me, not ladies first
And I mean nakedness of the spirit, being the only way we can truly quench our intimacy thirst
I mean to show you my emotional wrinkles and scars, previous baggage that I masquerade, for fear of rejection
Hoping that it stimulates you to show me your trauma stretch marks, and muffin top of repression
Let us put to death our aliases through this catharsis
And experience each other in our state of authentic energies symbiosis
Revealing to you my life’s dead skin, which I have been hiding, thinking it a sin, is the only way our love can win
Let us get naked
~A return to love

Author~ abiodun durojaye

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